Office Uniform

  1. 5 Reasons Your Office Uniform Policy Isn't Taken Seriously

    5 Reasons Your Office Uniform Policy Isn't Taken Seriously

    Work uniform policies can be difficult to create, implement and enforce. Do you have that one employee who shows up to work in a torn uniform most days or forgets their company bespoke branded polo once a week? You may have another employee who wears wholly inappropriate shorts with their company branded t-shirt, even though […]

  2. How to Write a Uniform Policy Letter

    How to Write a Uniform Policy Letter

    In order to implement a uniform, you need a uniform policy letter. Studies show that uniforms enhance a number of things such as your company’s image, security on site and team unity. The best way to get your employees on board is by making them part of the process. You should not have a one […]

  3. Is it Time to Change Your Work Uniform Supplier?

    Is it Time to Change Your Work Uniform Supplier?

    When sourcing and providing uniforms for your staff, you need to choose garments that are smart and professional and you need a uniform supplier you can rely on. Your staff are the face of your business and what they wear represents your company values. If your supplier has been providing you with uniforms that fluctuate in […]

  4. How Can You Guarantee Success With Your Work Uniform Choice?

    How Can You Guarantee Success With Your Work Uniform Choice?

    Choosing new work uniform is a major decision in any company regardless of size. Getting it right first time is a huge priority as it saves you time and money. It’s vital that the transition goes as smoothly as possible. Success tends to follow avoiding mistakes, so we’ve put together the following list of things to avoid […]

  5. Creating Branded Uniforms For Your Company

    Creating Branded Uniforms For Your Company

    This is a XAMAX® “How To” guide to creating branded uniform with your company logo. We include advice on garments, colour choice and customisation techniques. This uniform guide is broken down into four simple steps. They’re listed here and if you scroll further down, you will see a more in-depth explanation of each step. Here’s […]

  6. Work Uniforms vs Casual Dress Codes: What is best for your business?

    Work Uniforms vs Casual Dress Codes: What is best for your business?

    Wondering about implementing a new work uniform policy into your business? Or simply just thinking about changing your current one? This article outlines the benefits and drawbacks of kitting your team out in uniforms or introducing a casual dress code. See which one works for you. Page Contents Specific Uniforms Professional Unity Productivity Branding Safety […]

  7. Your Workwear Supplier Should Ask You These Questions Before You Order (or you should ask yourself)

    Your Workwear Supplier Should Ask You These Questions Before You Order (or you should ask yourself)

    It is important to let your supplier understand what you NEED. Personnel managers do not order uniforms daily so they tend not to understand what to ask. XAMAX® customise and supply company uniforms day in, day out, so we know how to help you get what you need at the right price. Here are 8 […]

  8. Why You MUST Wash Your Company Uniform Before You Wear It

    Why You MUST Wash Your Company Uniform Before You Wear It

    So you received your new company uniform. Looks good right? All bright and new and clean… but is it? No, not really. There are a lot of industrial processes that go into getting your uniform onto your back, and the very last one, washing it, is your responsibility. Here’s why you should NEVER wear uniform, […]

  9. Is Customised Work Uniform REALLY Worth It?

    Is Customised Work Uniform REALLY Worth It?

    What is the point of buying a custom work uniform for your staff? Is it just an extra expense and a hassle you could do without? There are actually many benefits to kitting your staff out in a uniform that will positively impact on your business and deliver a genuine ROI. And it doesn’t need […]

  10. Staff Uniform: Policy Guidelines For Employers

    Staff Uniform: Policy Guidelines For Employers

    Don’t get caught out when providing your staff with work uniform. There are policy guidelines that you should follow relating to reporting, National Insurance and tax to avoid contravening any government regulations. PLEASE NOTE: This article is for informational purposes only. This article is not Tax advice, nor are your tax affairs part of the service […]

  11. Why Cardigans Are Great For Office Staff Uniform

    Why Cardigans Are Great For Office Staff Uniform

    Introducing cardigans for office staff to your uniform is a brilliant way of office workers gaining the benefits of a uniform. You may wonder why this is the case, read on to find out. How Can Cardigans Help Brand Promotion From brand promotion to tax benefits for staff, there are many advantages to company issued uniform […]

  12. How Often Should I Replace Staff Uniform?

    How Often Should I Replace Staff Uniform?

    The length of time a staff uniform lasts before needing replacement will vary widely depending on the industry or sector. But wearing out is not the only consideration for change – perhaps you are having a rebrand of your business. Typically, roles within manual industries with a staff uniform policy will replace theirs frequently, whereas […]

  13. How to Approach A Dress Code Violation

    That one girl in accounting keeps coming to work with her underwire practically showing and you wonder if she realises. She’s teetering on heels that were made more for a night out than for a day in the office, and then there’s the guy in the IT department with the dreadlocks, tattoos, who shows up […]

  14. How Company Uniforms Improve Teamwork And Increase Brand Awareness

    How Company Uniforms Improve Teamwork And Increase Brand Awareness

    If you want to improve teamwork and increase brand awareness, a new company uniform will definitely help. This post outlines why in one easy 2 minute read. And it doesn’t really matter what sector you are in, a uniform can really help improve your business. Your Company Uniform Will Improve Teamwork The principle hinges on […]

  15. The Law & Company Uniforms When It Comes To Religion

    The Law & Company Uniforms When It Comes To Religion

    We are in a respectful, multicultural and non-discriminatory age. Everyone is expected to be kinder to each other, and those that refuse to be, are taken to task by the law. This is no bad thing – we are moving towards a better world with a brighter future – but whenever the law has to […]

  16. Keeping Your Branding Campaign "On Message": The Benefits Of Branded Uniforms

    Keeping Your Branding Campaign "On Message": The Benefits Of Branded Uniforms

    Maintaining the effects of a branding campaign is just as important as planning one if it is to be successful in the long term. So, who’s to say that your branded uniforms cannot help with that?   In short, your uniform goes hand-in-hand with your campaign’s effectiveness and can provide the following benefits:  Page Contents Easily identifiable […]

  17. Can a Staff Uniform Improve Teamwork?

    Can a Staff Uniform Improve Teamwork?

    If you are looking to improve unity in the workplace, implementing a staff uniform may be the answer. The decision to put your staff into a well designed branded uniform should not be taken lightly. However, there are many benefits to making that leap. You need to consider the time and cost needed to implement […]

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