Workplace Health & Safety

  1. Spill Kits and Spillage Response in Industrial Workplaces - The Ultimate Guide

    Spill Kits and Spillage Response in Industrial Workplaces - The Ultimate Guide

    Safety is paramount in the dynamic and often hazardous environment of industrial workplaces. A critical aspect of workplace safety that often goes unnoticed until an emergency arises is the management of spills. Whether dealing with oils, chemicals, or other hazardous substances, having an effective spill response plan is crucial. This is where spill kits come […]

  2. Celebrating 50 Years of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: A Milestone for the UK Workforce

    Celebrating 50 Years of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: A Milestone for the UK Workforce

    As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) on 31st July 2024, it is a good time to reflect on the profound impact this landmark legislation has had on the UK workforce. Introduced at a time when workplace safety was far from guaranteed, the HSWA has transformed […]

  3. What Is Cold Stress? Workforce Symptoms And How To Avoid It.

    What Is Cold Stress? Workforce Symptoms And How To Avoid It.

    Anyone working in a cold environment is at risk of cold stress. In several industries, employers require workers to work outdoors in cold environments for extended periods of time, and spending too much time in the cold can have fatal consequences. Cold stress is just the beginning of the issues that could follow, but it […]

  4. Do Employers Have to Provide Sun Cream?

    Do Employers Have to Provide Sun Cream?

    Most people know about the dangers of skin cancer and sunburn. But when your employees work outside in the summer, how can they protect themselves from these dangers? One of the easiest and most logical answers is sun cream. Is it your responsibility to provide your workers with sunscreen as an employer? The Ugly Truth […]

  5. How to Keep Your Staff Safe When Working in the Sun

    How to Keep Your Staff Safe When Working in the Sun

    High temperatures and blistering sunshine can pose a great danger for your employees working in the sun. You might think that in the UK, high temperatures are so rare that it’s not worth worrying about. You’d be wrong. Skin can burn in minutes under strong sunshine, which can seem to come out of nowhere. It […]

  6. What are the Most Common Construction Site Accidents?

    What are the Most Common Construction Site Accidents?

    Construction site accidents are common, but the majority of the time they are so easily avoidable. Working on a construction site should always be a safe operation. Here’s everything you need to know about the most common type of on-site accidents and how you can prevent them from happening. Most Common Construction Accidents There are […]

  7. Working in the Rain - Regulations You Need to Know About

    Working in the Rain - Regulations You Need to Know About

    The British weather is (in)famous for its rain, meaning that those who work outside are at risk of getting wet. Are there any specific ‘working in the rain’ regulations? What are an employers’ responsibilities when employees are working in wet weather? Do you continue to work in the rain? What Should You Know About Working in the Rain? […]

  8. How To Conduct A Chainsaw Risk Assessment: 6 Steps for Managers

    How To Conduct A Chainsaw Risk Assessment: 6 Steps for Managers

    Chainsaws can be dangerous when they aren’t operated correctly or when the appropriate measures have not been put in place with regards to safety. Protect your chainsaw operators and closely working workers before they’re placed in danger. Here’s how managers can conduct a chainsaw risk assessment in 6 steps. 1. Write down details pertaining to […]

  9. Workplace Personal Protective Equipment - Your Ultimate Guide

    Workplace Personal Protective Equipment - Your Ultimate Guide

    Personal Protective Equipment generally goes by the acronym: PPE. It is the equipment that protects its users from health or safety risks. Most specifically, risks you would find in the workplace. The Ultimate Guide to PPE includes an explanation of all relevant PPE regulations, best practice advice for health and safety officers or those charged […]

  10. Helping To Prevent Covid-19 in the Workplace

    Helping To Prevent Covid-19 in the Workplace

    These are strange times indeed – this unprecedented pandemic is as worrying as it is serious – but we have to get on as best we can. What can you do to help prevent a domino effect of an illness that can kill at worst or at best, shut down your operation down while everyone […]

  11. What Are The Health & Safety At Work Legal Obligations For Employers?

    What Are The Health & Safety At Work Legal Obligations For Employers?

    With the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reporting that there were 581,000 employees sustaining non-fatal injuries at work in 2018/19, it still seems that not enough is being done to protect workers. But what are the legal obligations faced by UK employers? What can be done to mitigate risk, and what are the consequences of […]

  12. Working in High Winds: The Risks and How To Mitigate Them

    Working in High Winds: The Risks and How To Mitigate Them

    The weather can play a huge role in dictating whether or not it is safe to be working outdoors. Working in high winds is a risk that is less discussed but it can be just as deadly to ignore. Workers need to know the risks and hazards associated, and how best to mitigate them. Severe […]

  13. 5 Types of Occupational Diseases and How to Prevent Them

    5 Types of Occupational Diseases and How to Prevent Them

    Daily contact with hazardous materials at work can lead to serious health problems later on in life for your or your staff. Occupational diseases can be horrific and fatal, so it is always worth educating yourself on how you can prevent them. As an employer – it is your responsibility to make sure you control […]

  14. Do You Know the Construction Site Hoarding Regulations?

    Do You Know the Construction Site Hoarding Regulations?

    Do you know the regulations concerning the hoardings around areas of construction work? The hoarding on building sites – temporary wall-like structures that are built around the perimeter of the site – are covered by site hoarding regulations. They are designed to shield the site from the view of the public and prevents unauthorised access, […]

  15. Is It Time to Renew Your Workplace Health And Safety Policy?

    Is It Time to Renew Your Workplace Health And Safety Policy?

    If your company has five employees or more, you must have a written workplace health and safety policy. You should bring this to the attention of your employees via training.  Is it time to renew your Health and Safety Policy? There is no set time for renewal of your health and safety policy. However, you […]

  16. How to Ensure Road Worker Safety This Summer

    How to Ensure Road Worker Safety This Summer

    Working on the road exposes your team to hazards at the best of times, but in the summer there are added dangers. By reading this article, you will be able to outline how to maximise your road workers’ safety in the warmer months of the year. Find out how you can keep your employees safe […]

  17. You Need to Keep Workers Cool in Summer

    You Need to Keep Workers Cool in Summer

    English summers are getting hotter each year making it difficult for workers to keep cool in summer. The sad fact of climate change is that this may well be the coolest summer of your life. This increase in heat increases the dangers to outdoor workers. Even on overcast days, the sun can still cause burns […]

  18. Skin Cancer and Outdoor Work: Do You Know the Risks?

    Skin Cancer and Outdoor Work: Do You Know the Risks?
    Sun exposure causes most skin cancer. The exposure may be long term or short term - where there are periods of intense sun exposure, causing burns. UV light in sunlight damages the DNA in the skin cells, and over time, this damage can lead to skin cancer. If your employees work outside in hot weather, […]
  19. 3 Policies You Must Address for Working Outside in the Sun

    3 Policies You Must Address for Working Outside in the Sun
    It is important to understand how heat when working outside can affect your workers health both long and short term. With the weather rising each year, you must revise your policies to keep your staff safe while working outside. Here are 3 policies you need to address in order to work safely in the sun. […]
  20. Can You Recognise and Treat Heat Stress at Work?

    Can You Recognise and Treat Heat Stress at Work?
    Heat stress is a major threat to many workers, especially those who work outside in the summer months. But do not forget that heat stress at work is a threat all year round. Those who work in factories and bakeries are vulnerable to heat-related illnesses, no matter what the season. To operate safely as a […]
  21. How to Survive On the Road - 7 Summer Driving Tips for Delivery Drivers

    How to Survive On the Road - 7 Summer Driving Tips for Delivery Drivers
    What if we were to tell you that driving in the snow, pouring rain and freezing temperatures are actually less dangerous than driving in summer? No way, right? Well… the conditions in the summer months contribute to more accidents than any other time of the year. There are various hazards which you’ve got to be […]
  22. Vehicle Loading - How to Avoid Injury

    If carried out incorrectly, vehicle loading can put your workforce at great risk. Not only of injuring themselves, they could also jeopardise the safety of other road users. If carried out against procedure, loading can be financially costly to your business too. Here are the various do’s and don’ts you should bear in mind when […]
  23. Cold and Flu Prevention Tips for the Workplace

    Cold and Flu Prevention Tips for the Workplace
    Nobody likes getting ill and it is even worse when the fevers, coughs and sneezes force you and your employees to take days off work. It only takes one person to fall ill to bring down a large group of employees with a nasty bug.  What can you do to prevent this domino effect of illness […]
  24. How Can NIHL Be Prevented? 4 Steps for Site Managers

    The Health and Safety Executive notes that there were 74,000 reported cases of work-related hearing loss in 2004 to 2005. In 1997 to 1998, those figures were closer to half a million. Both education and regulations have likely decreased these numbers of preventable hearing loss, but it’s important that hearing is protected where possible. What […]
  25. When was Asbestos Banned in the UK?

    When was Asbestos Banned in the UK?
    A recent survey found that nearly one in four construction workers in the UK may be exposed to asbestos, which places them at a higher risk of contracting terminal illnesses later in life, despite the fact that asbestos has been banned since 1999. The survey's findings plus the fact that there are potentially half a […]
  26. How to Protect Your Workers from Poisonous Plants

    How to Protect Your Workers from Poisonous Plants
    Workplace safety awareness is important to keep your staff safe whilst they are working. There are various known hazards for each industry. However, it is often the hazards that are easily forgotten which cause harm. Although not obvious, poisonous plants are a great threat to outdoor workers, especially in the summer. Here is everything you […]
  27. How to Complete a Lightning Risk Assessment

    Working outdoors can come with its fair share of risks, and one of the more dangerous hazards you and your team are facing is lightning. Although it's a hazard which is usually overlooked because we don't see it too regularly in Britain, it's something which needs highlighting because of the risks it brings. In the […]
  28. Construction Site Safety Checklist

    Construction Site Safety Checklist
    It is simple. A construction site has many hazards, such is the nature of the job. By following the safety checklist below, you are putting your employees in a much safer position when they are on site. Conducting a written risk assessment will not be enough. It is necessary to conduct a mental one before […]
  29. Lone Working Hazards: How to Keep Lone Workers Safe

    We may associate lone workers with some guy who works from home in his basement (maybe in his underpants) on some sort of tech job, but there are more people classed as “lone workers” than one would think. Nearly 6.8 million workers work alone. Anyone from security to some outdoor workers, even nurses and teachers […]
  30. Regulations for Working at Height: Explained

    When workers work at heights there are always risks of falling. Construction has the highest fatalities of any industry, and deaths often resulted from falling from heights, which is why employers must adhere to all regulations for working at height. The Work at Height Regulations came into effect in 2005 to prevent workplace deaths and […]
  31. Steward Safety Supplies: Manager's Checklist

    Steward Safety Supplies: Manager's Checklist
    A stewards job is often to provide security and manage crowds at events - like football matches, festivals, concerts, and so on - and make sure everyone gets to where they need to be - see people to their seats or designated area. Stewards often act as a safety and security team too, and they […]
  32. Why Are Thermals Beneficial? A Guide To Buying Base Layers

    Why Are Thermals Beneficial? A Guide To Buying Base Layers
    Who needs thermal baselayers when you can just add an extra jumper? If you notice an increase in sick days from your workforce, your employees may be unknowingly causing their own colds and illnesses by adding on those extra layers in the winter months. Extra Layers Causing Colds and Flu? If the work of your employees […]
  33. Lightning Safety Outdoors: How To Protect Your Team in Spring

    Lightning is an occupational hazard that's often overlooked, but it shouldn't be because it can severely injure or even kill outdoor workers, particularly if they're working at height. Here are some tips on how to protect your workers in spring and maintain lightning safety outdoors.  What are the Risks Associated with Working Outdoors in Lightning? […]
  34. Does Your Business Have a Snow and Ice Policy?

    England might not be known for its snowfall, but when wind, rain, and cold are combined, ice is prevalent onsite. Snow and ice are not only hazardous because of the dangers of slips, trips, and falls, but also because the cold can cause numerous health problems when you haven’t prepared your workforce with appropriate PPE […]
  35. How to Complete a Working Outdoors Risk Assessment

    Working outdoors can come with its share of risks. Whilst many are tucked safely at home or in offices in extremes - rain, wind, snow, ice, heat - outdoor workers don’t have the luxury of protection from the elements. Many workplaces know there are dangers to their employees, but don’t know how to conduct an […]
  36. What are the Best Strategies to Improve Construction Site Security?

    Construction sites are natural targets for thieves and vandals. It’s your responsibility to make sure the workers on site are kept safe and that operations aren’t delayed by stolen goods or vandalism. There are a number of security risks that you need to think about and preventative measures you can implement to reduce the risk […]
  37. Health & Safety Breaches Cost London Construction Firm 10's of 1000's

    A London based construction company and its MD have been prosecuted by the HSE following an investigation into a building site found multiple dangerous working conditions and Health & Safety breaches. C J Langs Ltd was fined £80,000, ordered to pay costs of £6,000 and the MD was disqualified from directorship. Health & Safety Inspectors […]
  38. Health and Safety Tips - A Construction How-to Guide

    Keeping workers and visitors safe on a construction site is the responsibility of whoever is in control of the site. Failing to implement effective safety measures can put anyone on or near the site at risk. Here are some important health and safety tips you should consider to maximise construction site safety. Keeping Staff Safe […]
  39. How to Ensure Hospital Employee Safety

    When we think of keeping people safe in hospitals, everyone’s first thought is usually the patients. What about the staff? Hospital employee safety is imperative so that the hospital is working as efficiently as possible. Here’s everything you need to know to keep your team safe. We’ll be discussing: Page Contents Risk Assessment Manual Handling […]

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