Enforcing a new workplace uniform policy can cause a negative backlash from your employees. They may feel these new rules are being forced upon them for no reason. It is important to help your staff understand the benefits of adopting a new uniform can have. This will not only help them but also your company. Here are some of the benefits of adopting a workplace uniform policy:

Boosts Morale

When you provide a uniform which is attractive and comfortable, this shows your staff you care about how they look and feel. Also, a workplace uniform enhances their self-esteem, improves their attitude, and boosts their morale. If their uniform is ill fitting, this can affect their pride and enthusiasm within the workforce.

A well-fitted, high-quality, and stylish uniform will boost morale and their self-esteem. This will motivate your employees to maintain and wear their uniforms. This will increase their motivation to complete their daily tasks to a high standard.

You need to involve your employees in the decision-making process. This will make sure they will accept their new uniform and their performance, confidence, and morale will improve.

Increases Productivity

Uniforms are a great way to increase your employees’ productivity within the workplace. This will provide them with a sense of belonging, which keeps them safe and happy. 

By giving your staff a workplace uniform out of the blue will decrease their productivity. By letting them choose individual colours or the style of fit, this will make them feel more comfortable. A work uniform will increase their work productivity by creating a work frame of mind. This will help them get into a working mind-set.

Free Advertising

When implementing a new workplace uniform policy, it is important to note this will take part in advertising your business. Make sure your logo is clear and on a comfortable, stylish uniform your employees will want to wear. This will help to promote your company by creating brand recognition. 

Uniforms which have company branding, such as a logo, are an effective marketing tool. In a study by Ashwini K. Poojary (PDF), he found by enhancing a customer’s knowledge about branding on a uniform helps companies create a positive brand attitude which can increase sales. His study found:

  • 56.1% of respondents stated uniforms are more effective than Internet advertising.
  • 73.5% of respondents stated uniforms are more effective than TV advertising.
  • 74.4% of respondents stated uniforms are more effective than radio advertising.
  • 75.7% of respondents stated uniforms are more effective than billboard advertising.
  • 55% of respondents stated uniforms are more effective than the Yellow Pages.
  • 71.5% of respondents stated uniforms are more effective than newspaper advertising.

While your employees must always be in mind when creating a uniform that they will wear, this shows that it can benefit them while also having a positive impact on your company in return. The by-product is that the company grows into a bigger and better place for employees.

Improves Security and Safety

A uniform policy can improve the security of your workforce. You can see who belongs to what department. If your staff work in hazardous environments, purchasing a uniform can improve the safety of those wearing it.

Also, a new uniform makes your employees conscious of their actions when wearing a company uniform in public. When employees understand they are identifiable via their uniforms, they are more aware of their actions and will not risk doing nothing that shines the company in a negative light. This is not something you want to communicate with the employees, as the overall aim of this point could backfire if they notice it. However, this is a benefit to the business.

Creates Team Unity

When wearing a uniform, this will create team unity within the workplace. Uniforms make people feel like they belong, we often see this within sports such as football or in schools. If your employees feel like they are working towards the same goals while wearing a uniform, their productivity will improve. 

The same uniform shows that everyone is equal. This will make them act as a team. It can lead to greater success for the company and increase employee loyalty because they will have pride and responsibility for representing your company.

Also, uniforms can eliminate social barriers. By having a uniform, you are helping to build team unity, and healthier peer relationships which lead to a more productive working environment. Uniforms in the workplace can steer a customer’s perception towards your workforce. When a customer recognises your employees, they will gain more confidence therefor making them more productive.

Employees Can Claim Tax Relief

One reason employees might not be on board with a uniform policy is because they believe this will increase the cost of maintaining the uniforms. If your company has implemented a uniform policy, this suggests that a uniform will be compulsory and not optional. If this is the case, then a benefit of this is that employees can claim tax relief to maintain and wash them, so emphasise that this will not mean employees are losing money.

A tax relief is something that can get employees on board with a compulsory uniform, as this eliminates the worry of having to spend money on maintaining their uniforms as they will understand there are methods in place where they can receive help. This benefits both the company and the employees, as they receive financial help while the company achieves the goals that are set and reap the other benefits that come with implementing a uniform policy.


Creating a new uniform policy and/or purchasing a new uniform has many benefits not only for your business but also your employees.

The main benefits are that it boosts productivity and morale whilst creating team unity. Overall, having a uniform will motivate your staff to complete their daily tasks to a higher standard than usual.